Friday, February 25, 2005

Myspace Migration

Today is my last day at Morgan Creek...for now. I just returned from lunch at Echigo (I could write an entire blog on this place), and I'm in the process of rendering my final shots and cleaning up my desk space. Not a huge job, considering I've only worked here for a little over a month. Today I've also finished setting up this blogspot site. All the posts you see south of this one were originally written on my Myspace Blog. Over the past few weeks, however, I've grown to admire my friend Kapooch's weblog so much that I decided to migrate over here myself. (Thanks to Kapooch, as well, for aiding me with my Blogspot html question. My site is now the doppelgänger of hers.) I finally canceled my old Earthlink service and pointed my domain name to this site, so as of now should lead you here. The result of all these online hijinks? A consolidation of my online presence: less loose ends, less unused threads dangling from the worldwide web.

Okay, I can't stop thinking about my fantastic lunch. If you live anywhere near the wesside and enjoy sushi, you owe yourself a lunch at Echigo. The lunch special, featuring the chef's choice of 6 servings of buttery fish on tiny beds of warm rice is only $11. Come early, though, and I would avoid Fridays. This joint is no secret and the overworked waitresses will close off the line earlier than the 14:00 cutoff if it gets too long.


Pooch said...

Welcome to the world of blogger. The "Blogging for Dummies" blog site!

I will try Echigo soon. Sounds divine...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday you old curmudgeon. - Rastabrek

Pooch said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't believe I had to log into friendster to find that out. Jeez.