"So potent was religion in persuading to evil deeds" -- thus wrote Lucretius. I will go even further:
Tantum religio potuit suadere ignorantia"So potent was religion in persuading to ignorance". As evidence, I give you this image:

When I found the above Google search screen capture on
Digg today, I didn't believe it. Then I tried it myself (it's accurate), and even tried a different search, including Darwin's given name:

It's a sad comment on the current lack of science education in our country, as well as on the dearth of skepticism and critical thinking skills in ye surfers of the internet. This is especially poignant given the fact that in exactly two days we will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of this immensely important scientist.
Happy birthday, old chap!
Terribly sorry, but it appears that your rigorously tested and eminently sound theory of Evolution, which remains uncontested in worldwide scientific literature, has fallen quite out of favor with the ignorant yet self-righteous lay public in these United States of America. A pity, that -- this country being such a technological marvel of the modern age, as well as the last superpower and all. Regrettably, two of our greatest super powers are ignorance and religiosity...always a bad combination.