Dnice just forwarded me a great article about how Bush and his Fundamentalist base are screwing the whole country. Again. Check it out at the Guardian --
here's the link. It was written by Karen Armstrong, an author who I admire greatly (I read her book
A History of God last year). I'm tired of being sickened by this country. I want the America of my youth, an America of which I can be proud. Granted, I was only complacent then because I was ignorant of many harsh realities; it should be obvious, however, even to rational Republicans, that things have gotten much worse in the last 6 years.
Bush's policy on stem cell research is hypocritical. He appears to care more for blastocysts consisting of 50-150 cells than for fully-formed American children. Of course he wouldn't say that (though
Tony Snow might), but the facts can't be ignored: Our infant mortality rate is "only the 42nd best in the world; the average baby has a better chance of surviving in Havana or Beijing." Bush's fanciful hallucinations of invisible beings ("God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did...") and evangelical inclinations are making a mockery of what this country once stood for as the first secular republic in history.
In my extensive experience, the invisible and the non-existent look very much alike
*. I hereby declare myself a